Welcome! Your public library is where you will find free access to everything you need for your education, employment, self-government, cultural enrichment, recreation and endless opportunities for lifelong learning and economic improvement. I hope that you will take every opportunity to use the library - your key to new worlds.
- Edward Erjavek,
Library Director
All individuals, regardless of immigration status, are welcome inside libraries and may use those facilities' resources.
Independientemente del estado de inmigración, todas las personas son bienvenidas dentro de las bibliotecas y pueden usar los recursos de esas instalaciones.
Mission Statement
The mission of the San Bernardino Public Library is to provide free access to the world of ideas, information and creative experience for all citizens of San Bernardino. The Library is a cultural center where the people of San Bernardino come together to learn and participate in public discourse. It aids the community in the creation of informed and educated citizenry and provides opportunities for free lifelong learning and economic improvement.
The San Bernardino Public Library is governed by an autonomous administrative Library Board of Trustees as provided by Section 602 of the Charter of the City of San Bernardino. Library services are provided at four sites: Norman F. Feldheym Central Library, Villasenor Library, Inghram Library, and Rowe Library.