Curtis, William

William Curtis

William Curtis was born April 1, 1826 in Pontiac, MI. He grew up on the frontier farming, hunting and trapping. For six years he was sheriff of Bandera County, TX. He married Mary Henrietta Racig on August 15, 1850 in TX. In 1861 they came by ox team from San Antonio, TX to San Bernardino. The original Curtis party of 4 wagons came through intact despite the hardships and dangers. The original party increased to 100 wagons during the journey. There were over sixty deaths in the combined party, mainly the result of illness. In San Bernardino he goldmined on Lytle Creek until 1867 and was able to buy 60 acres in old San Bernardino where he farmed. He died September 11, 1912 in Redlands and he is buried in Hillside Memorial Park in Redlands.

Photo courtesy of City of San Bernardino Historical and Pioneer Society